November 2017 Blog
By Heather Hardesty - Professional Mentor
Greeting to all! This is the season of the year that I look forward to the most - Thanksgiving through Christmas. I guess it's because the weather changes, the days get shorter and it's when we get to see all of our extended family. It's also a time to reflect upon what we are thankful for.
So besides owning my own business, I get the honor of teaching kids from ages 2-12 during the week in various different settings. Every November I start class by asking each one of them what they are thankful for. The answers range from predictable to downright adorable. Some examples of what my students say (I am not making some of these up!)
- My mom and dad
- My dog
- My cat
- My horse
- Butterflys
- God
- My toys
- My bed
- My teacher
- Shoes
- Candy
This always brings a smile to my face and also makes me reflect on what I'm thankful for not just personally, but in my profession. I would love to share with you things that I'm thankful for in my chosen profession.
1 - I'm thankful for trust. I'm thankful everyday that my corporate office trusts my decisions regarding how I run my business. I'm thankful for other professional teachers who see the value in sharing ideas and collaborating and trust that you will not use them in a negative way. I'm thankful for the trust the parents put in me to teach their children weekly. Trust is a hard thing to give people and it's even harder to keep. I'm so very thankful I've earned the trust of those around me.
2 - I'm thankful for creative freedom - I'm thankful that I'm allowed to use my creative freedom in what I do. With Kinderdance I do follow lesson plans, but I'm allowed to insert my own creative touches. I'm always given complete freedom creatively with my classes outside of Kinderdance and I love to see what my students and I can create even if it's sometimes predictable or way out of the box.
3 - I'm thankful I can still dance - Let me explain what I mean. I'm thankful I have the time and resources to go and train still at my older age. I love to take class and be the student even if I'm 20 years or older than some of them. I feel that my love for my profession will sustain longer if I keep training. I always tell my family and students that as long as I can still move, I will still dance. I'm also thankful that my 11 year old now thinks it's cool rather than being mortified by it.
4 - I'm thankful I can mentor others at the beginning of their journey. I'm humbled, blessed and thankful for those that turn to me for advice on things dance related. I was so thankful for my mentors growing up that I enjoy paying it forward. I remember what it was like having a class of 15 kids ages 7-8 who I was convinced downed pixie sticks before coming to class and nothing I did classroom management wise helped. I remember what it was like having a parent scream in your face for something they didn't read. I remember what it was like growing a business (I still am growing). I remember what all those things were like and I'm thankful to help others navigate through them.
5 - I'm thankful for a family that understands my crazy schedule. I have a husband and a daughter who understand my schedule and never give me grief about it. I'm so thankful for this! It also makes me be more present when I'm not teaching, at a performance or marketing.
So as we enter into a busy holiday season I urge you to take a few minutes to sit down and reflect what you are thankful for. Thank you for taking the time to read my November blog and may an abundant amount of blessings be bestowed upon you.