Friday, December 14, 2018

Being Santa

December 2018 Blog
By Heather Hardesty
Being Santa

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is by far my most favorite time of the year. I love everything about the holiday season. I love decorating, going to parties, singing Christmas music and finding that perfect gift for a family member. Now that my daughter figured out the Santa thing a few years ago, we don’t play Santa anymore. I know it’s a part of growing up, but it still leaves me a little sad. One thing I’ve taught my daughter, and that is the topic of my blog this month, is how to be a Santa to other.

I think the magic of Santa for young ones is the belief that he will bring us that gift that we are wanting. As we get older, I think the magic of Santa takes a different turn. Take for instance that scared little child that tried out your dance class for the first time and was so shy, she didn’t do a whole lot at the beginning. With encouragement, love and understanding you gave her the confidence needed so at the end of class she goes in the middle of the free style circle and shows off her moves. You in that moment gave that child a gift that was far more valuable than a toy. You gave that child confidence – you were Santa in that moment.

I’m part of a Community Choir and we have a group of people that carol out in the community. Some of the gigs are at local nursing homes. A particular instance I want to share happened this season. A group went to a nursing home with occupants that were in late stages of dementia. ALS, etc and some truly didn’t really know what was going on in their surroundings. This group of singers began singing and instantly you say life come to their eyes and they started singing the words. In that moment, this group of vocalists were Santa to these people. They brought magic to them even if it was for one night.

So as we are in the thick of our Holiday season, how can you be a Santa to someone? How can you be a Santa to someone year around? I would like to think that if our World would be a better place if more people found ways to be Santa to others.

Happy Holidays and Blessings for a new year!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Writing Powerful Allies: Angela Hayes

Inevitably we get focused on the mini-universe of our work situations: our classroom, our practice
space, the meetings, the office where the planning happens, the drives to and from work where more
planning happens, the gyms, the buses, the fields. Every inch of our physical and mental space is
inhabited by the dancers we direct. We frequently get lost in that universe of our own making. And
more times than we ever admit, it becomes overwhelming. We need bridges to less-taxing environs; we need a path that leads us to folks who understand our trials and tribulations. We’d benefit from a travel buddy to show us a map every so often.

Look no further than your own campus, you’ve got help if you want it. They are plodding along carrying school-colors backpacks full of many of your same concerns. If you are willing to confess, more than once you’ve looked at the sponsor, director or coach of another group on campus and you’ve compared their work-load to your own. And if full-disclosure was a thing, you might admit that you thought they had it easier than you. But I doubt any of you wallowed in that thought-quagmire for long, you know there exists more similarities than differences. We’re all on the same trajectory and we’re all transporting the same precious cargo: our students’ best interests.

I sat down this week with a brilliant mind, housed in the body of a high school football coach. His name is Chris and he has created a world where like-minded, results-oriented, eager professionals can share ideas about aspects of coaching: safe and best practices, innovative teaching, leading by example, and most importantly, positively influencing young people. He’s using a social media bridge to connect coaches, gathering them in a twitter space once a week to discuss hot topics, share ideas, offer one another advice. As I chatted away and listened intently, I realized that #txhsfbchat and Danceable Thoughts are crossing over similar rivers, on our own bridges, towards the same goal. We both want to assist the adults in our industries as they enhance the experiences of the students who wander into our worlds: his is football, mine is dance. When you are on a quest, there’s nothing better than recognizing a powerful ally.

Here’s a recommendation, look across your campus and find your powerful allies. Find out what the
alma mater is of that coach. Laugh with that director who brings a musical score to the faculty meetings. Find out how many bus rides that debate coach is planning on taking this school year. Ask the FFA teacher how many animals are currently being raised by the current kiddos. Your conversations will be connections that potentially will keep you tethered when you feel like you’re losing your grip.

Nobody understands a coach like a fellow coach. Nobody understands working with teenagers like
those of us who have taken on that awesome task as way more than a job, we are the ones who see it as a mission. #PowerfulAllies exist: you can look to the world-wide web of social media or scan that
horizon outside your dance space. They are out there and willing to help. You just have to decide to
take the first step to cross that bridge. Once you start walking you will recognize there’s help for you
every step of the way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Thankfulness and Energy Management: Heather Hardesty

November Blog 2018
Heather Hardesty – Owner of Kinderdance Austin, Kinderdance Brazos County and Co-Owner of Kinderdance North Texas

Happy Fall to everyone! I don’t know about you, but this year has flown by and I’m in denial that it’s even November. This time of year makes me step back and reflect on the things that I’m truly thankful for. When we have obstacles that we have to overcome daily it’s really hard sometimes to stay positive. My mentor and I have been working very hard lately on the concept of Energy Management. In a nutshell it’s a practice you commit to doing in order to shift your negative energy into positive energy.

One of the things I’ve faced as of late is having to cover classes that were left without a teacher or that needed to be subbed. Like anyone who manages a business, my initial attitude is “I don’t have time for this” or “How am I going to get all my other work done”. Since working with my energy management tools, I have learned to shift that thought process into more positive energy. I now choose to look at it a different way. I’m thankful I’m of able body to cover the classes. I’m thankful that I get the honor of inspiring tiny humans even if it’s just for one day. I’m thankful my relationship with my schools has strengthened because I’m present at their center more. I’m thankful that I don’t settle for just any teacher and that I’m waiting for the right one. Work will be there the next day and it’s okay!

I want to share with you things that I do that help with energy management. I’m a huge writer, so keeping a journal is key! One of the most common things I do is auto writing. I take a topic or situation that is causing negative energy and I write about it. I write down what bothers me about it. I write down what I don’t want to feel and then what I do want to feel. I then write down things that I’m thankful for even if the situation was crappy. I find it so therapeutic, because it’s shifts my energy form negative to positive. I know it may sound silly, but you do attract what you put into the universe. Those that put out positive energy receive positive energy in return. Those that constantly ooze negative energy will receive negative energy in return. Think about people you know that fit one of these descriptions.

Another thing I do is called an OFTU (order form to the universe). This exercise can be done in any situation. You take a topic – any topic. Then you write down what you want, what you don’t want, how you want to feel, how you don’t want to feel. Form there you acknowledge to your higher power that the desired solution to your issue will take time and you trust in the timing. You finish with listing next steps – what you will do to get closer to your ideal situation. This has been a tool that has been eye opening for me. I come from a place of having a hard time saying no to people and projects. Doing this exercise has helped me determine if I really want to do, do I have the time to do it and does it serve me well. When I say serve me well, I don’t come from a snobby place at all. How many times have you said yes to something and then regretted it afterwards? I know I have many times. I have learned that I owe it to myself and to others to always bring the best version of myself to any situation. If I can not, then I simply don’t do it anymore.

So I hope that something in this blog resonated with you and helps you to approach obstacles with a thankful mind and heart. It’s not easy, but over time you will be a much happier version of yourself and that will attract others that are as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and abundant blessings.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Heather Hardesty - March Blog - Always be hungry

Always be hungry
By Heather Hardesty
Professional Mentor

Happy Spring Everyone! I apologize it’s been a while since you heard from me. The theme of 2018 so far has been – Busy. Which in my opinion is always a glorious thing! This mini hiatus has also given me time to think about what I was going to write about. I’m always taking in my surroundings whether I’m teaching a dance class, sitting and observing at a dance convention, watching others teach or attending a conference. There’s one thing that stands out to me and that is hunger. I’m not talking about needing to eat hunger, but the kind of hunger that moves you to be the best version of yourself. This is the subject I would like to talk a little about today.

I think it’s very easy to lose your hunger once you’ve established yourself in your profession, no matter what it is you do. There’s a feeling that once you’ve “made it” you don’t have to continue to work for it, because you “made it”. Look at those around you. Who still gets excited talking about what they do? Who around you still has a sparkle in their eye? Who around you still trains in their given profession? Who around you sees an obstacle as fuel or opportunity? Those are the people who are still hungry. These are the people who realize that they will always to certain extent be a student sometimes. These are the people who get excited for the unknown and can’t wait to see the possibilities in the unknown. Does everything ever work out for these people? Absolutely not! But the difference in those that hunger to be better and those that don’t hunger to be better is happiness.

Think about the times you are happy – truly happy. The world is just a little bit brighter. People can’t help but smile when they are around you. You attract positive people. Things seem to go your way. Now think about times you are not happy. You tend to see the world in a different way. You complain more. You attract others that are unhappy and things don’t ever seem to go your way. What is the difference you ask? I choose to believe the difference is how you choose to react to a situation. In my experience, those that remain hungry are more positive in all aspects of their life.

In the dance world, styles are always evolving. New, younger teachers come around and sometimes replace teachers who have teaching for lots of years. There’s always new ways of teaching a specific genre. Choreography is ever changing. How is that some who have been dancing forever are still around, but others are not? The ones that are still around have never stopped learning. These dancers/teachers are still are students. These dancers/teachers still attend yearly workshops to stay on top of what is current. These dancers/teachers, depending on their season, evolve. Those that are still around today never rested on their success in their 20’s and 30’s. They used that success to make them hungry to continue to learn and grow. We know that we as dancers/teachers will reach a time where we can’t move as well as we did back in our 20’s or 30’s and that is okay. We find ways to still contribute – get a demonstrator for class, take on more admin duties, choreography, teaching a class on dance history/dance technique, hosting workshops, etc.

So how do you regain your hunger? My advice, if you can, is take a mini sabbatical. That can come in the form of taking the summer off, not teaching for a semester or cutting back even one day. This is if you are able to – I know not everyone is able to. I would take that time to be a student. If you are in the dance world, go take a class in a genre you have little experience or exposure to. Put yourself out there. Revisit what it was like to be a student. I promise it will ignite something in you. During your time off, read! Check out every book you can at the library that talks about success, persistence and drive. Take notes and identify what the common trait all of these people have that continue to have success. I would also find an opportunity to volunteer to teach kids who don’t have the chance to take dance or can’t for whatever reason. I think it’s important to see the pure joy and excitement a child has taking their first dance class. They are hungry and want to learn! It’s important to go back to that whenever possible. It shows us how important our job is and helps us to not forget the passion and the hunger we have for our art.

I hope you never lose your hunger in whatever profession you decide to pursue. I’m so thankful that as a business owner, teacher and dancer in the dance world, I still have the drive and the hunger to be better today than I was yesterday. My wish is the same for you.