Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September: Haley Ivy

September: What did you do with dance this summer and what are you looking forward to most this year?

Hello TFDE members! I am excited to be a professional mentor this year and I hope what I have to share is helpful or at least interesting to you.

This summer was a little different for me because I didn't attend a ballet summer intensive for the first time in 7 years! YIKES! I would've like to have gone to another summer intensive but the truth was I couldn't afford it even with the scholarship I got. And I was already stressed since the Georgia Ballet ended in early march last season. (So I had a terribly long summer with no free dance in sight.) I ended up taking open class 2 times a week at Atlanta Ballet, student classes at my company, random hiking and doing yoga and Pilates in my living room. Thankfully I got to go back to Texas in April to celebrate my 21st birthday and guest perform Les Sylphides with my old studio for a week. I also had two jobs in the summer to help make ends meet. I taught a 4 month long outreach program for dance at an elementary school and worked at a church daycare helping look after toddlers. The glamorous life of a broke ballet dancer... But I somehow managed to stay in shape and get some dance in before our season started.

Now that the 16'/17' season has started, the company is back doing class and rehearsal 5 days a week. (Plus 3 side jobs for me ;) ) I am really looking forward to performing Peter Pan in October and Sleeping Beauty in the spring; Daet, my director has some exciting choreography that is very challenging in the corps de ballet. I feel that I will improve a lot in his Peter Pan, it's also a very playful ballet so it's fun to act out all the pantomime scenes AKA being a pirate. Sleeping Beauty is one of the most classical ballets out there so I am definitely thrilled to do the full ballet in all it's glory. The company is also pretty small so for sleeping beauty that means each company member will have lots of different roles to rehearse. Which means I will be dancing a lot, which obviously makes me happy.

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