Question: What advice do you wish you could tell your 10-year-old self about dance?
Happy October! This is my favorite time of the year with all the leaves changing color, the holidays and the holiday decorations. I am crossing my fingers that the weather matches the mood very soon. So this month we are asked to blog about what advice would we give our 10 year old self.
This is such an intriguing topic and I’ve given a lot of thought to it prior to writing my entry. I think one of the things I would tell my 10 year old self would be never to doubt your ability. I think sometimes society places a certain expectation on what something should look like. I think a lot of time dancers are looked at to be very svelte and extra flexible in societies eyes in order to be successful. I don’t think this is true all the way across the board but I think that often times it’s put forth as the standard for success. I would tell my 10 year old self to not let the fact that you are not of a certain body type keep you from going to the front of the group to do the combo or volunteering to be the first to go across the floor. Love yourself for what God has given you and enjoying learning the art.
Another thing I would tell my 10 year old self would be to not be scared to take different types of classes. I think if I would have stepped out of my comfort zone a bit from what I enjoyed I might have discovered a different style that I might loved. I wish I would have had the confidence to do that because I might have taken that twirling class or clogging class.
The last thing I would tell my 10 year olds would be to find that one thing that makes you unique as a dancer and use that as a springboard towards the type of dance you want to be. Don’t feel pressured to conform to the way everyone else does something – put your own unique spin on it. Make it your own!
Excellent advice! You only have one life to live and it's yours! Make it your own! Dance in the front row, lead the way, take advantage of opportunities to try something new, and be confident in your ability to learn and express yourself!