Monday, March 21, 2016

March: Juwan Alston

March: What does your professional schedule look like for next year, what kind of classes/event will you be taking/participating in and what are you looking forward to about next year?

Growth, Growth, and Growth

It has been a crazy time here in Charlotte. We just wrapped up The Little Mermaid which was absolutely incredible. It was such a visually compelling ballet, that it was truly enjoyed by everyone old and young alike. Being able to bring this ballet to life was truly an honor, the set pieces and costumes, choreography were all just right on the mark. Hering all of the laughs, gasps, cheers, etc. from all of the children made every single special and allowed us to continue to keep it fresh!
Now we are preparing to perform our final show of mixed rep. It will consist of George Balanchine's Who Cares?, Sasha Janes’ We Danced Through Life, as well as a world premiere by Dwight Rhoden.

Next year for me is going to be, yet again, a very exciting year. I will continue dancing at Charlotte Ballet in the first company, working hard and continue growing as an artist and a dancer. I am looking forward to the rep that we will be dancing. It is Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux’s last season as the artistic director of Charlotte Ballet, so I know the entire season is going to be exciting! I plan to spend the summer dancing with the company in our summer Chautauqua season, as well as exploring different teaching opportunities.  So my new “year” starts in June!