Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February: Heather Hardesty

February: Who is your dance idol (dead or alive)? and why?

So this month we are asked to write about who is our dance idol and why.  I feel as though I’ve been blessed to have so many over the years that it’s hard to choose just one.  There’s one in particular that cultivated my passion to teach and for that I will be forever be grateful.  Her name is Tracy Foster (now Tracy Foster Borschow).  She used to own Strut’s N Company in McKinney, TX and I started at her studio in 1992 when I moved to McKinney to finish out my high school years.  Not only was Tracy an amazing dancer, she was also a wonderful teacher.  She never let a child leave class feeling bad or defeated.  Tracy always encouraged and celebrated successes!

She approached me a few months into my tenure at Strut’s and Co and asked if I would assist her teaching a 3 and 4 year old class.  I was super happy to.  After assisting her for a few months, she started letting me teach parts of the class on my own.  It was great to have someone there teaching me how to teach.  By the end of the semester I was teaching the class on my own.  My senior year of high school she put me on the schedule for classes and I had 3 that I taught on my own and then my freshman year of college I was given more classes to teach.  I always enjoyed teaching younger kids and the baby classes were always my favorite!

After 24 years of teaching dance, I definitely will always remember who gave me my start.  I hope that one day I’m able to show her what I’ve built on my own with Kinderdance Austin and I can only hope she is proud and knows that she had a big part in shaping the type of teacher I am today. 

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